Get the latest news on our family! hopefully in a timely manner!
chistmas backgound
Friday, November 28, 2008
Well Our Baby Boy is Sweet 16! We found a restaurant that is pretty close to Muchas Gracious! The have a burrito that is called the California Burrito. It is just like the Oregon burrito!! We were excited. We ate there and went home and had Chocolate Chip Cheesecake!! We couldn't find any candles so we had to make due with what we had!! Seems like only yesterday my baby came into this world Weighing in at 10# 10 1/2 oz!! Now he's 6'2 1/2" and 166.1 lbs to be exact! Where does the time go?? Tune in tomorrow for an exciting BLOG!!!!!
I love to scrapbook and blog. If only there was more time to do it!!! I LOVE spending time with my family whatever they might be doing. Which is usually why my house looks the way it does!! But I wouldn't change a thing!!! Serving God and doing his will is the best thing on earth! He is the only reason I have this awesome family!!
I can't believe my baby nephew is 16. What a handsome, loving young man he is turning into. Congratulations Levi. From your Aunt Kelley.
Thanks for posting the pics.Levi I miss you!!!!!!!
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